DMALINK is an independent electronic price discovery and execution venue for professional FX traders.
Electronification is the talk of the town as far as FX is concerned, and nowhere is ….
Singapore’s growth as a major FX hub in Asia continues unabated.
We examine how a new generation of electronic platforms and technology is …..
Alex MacKinnon tells us more about the company’s expansion into Singapore with a new data centre.
Paul Golden speaks with two leading fintech providers to discuss the extent to which Artificial Intelligence is currently being utilised across the FX market.
We talk to Beeks about the evolution of the Financial Cloud and why the speed, agility, connectivity, capacity, security and sovereignty required by…
A Look Ahead:
What are the current
priorities for CLS?
Marc Bayle de Jessé, CEO of CLS Group, outlines what its priorities are going to be over the ….
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