“As our diversity of client base continues to increase we continue to add features that enable any client type or segment to benefit from the lowest latency execution and access to direct liquidity across all FX products and protocols” said Henry Durrant, Head of Business Development at Reactive Markets. “Allocations and sub-account workflows are the cornerstone of many real money, hedge fund & corporate execution processes, and we are delighted to be able to work with these clients to enhance these processes and drive down trading costs”. Reactive Markets allows LPs to distribute prices to large numbers of clients, who can trade on a fully disclosed basis with their relationship LPs at no cost, connecting via a single API, front-end trader desktop and mobile app. Clients can trade FX Spot, Forwards, NDF, Swap and NDF Swap products across Streaming, RFQ & Algo protocols with 25+ of the leading tier 1 bank, non-bank and regional specialist.