ATFX Connect

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Steve Whittet, MD, Institutional Sales
ATFX Connect
1st Floor,
32 Cornhill,
United Kingdom

Company Overview
ATFX Connect is the Institutional and Professional arm of the wider ATFX Group.

ATFX Connect UK, (authorised and regulated by the FCA), and ATFX Connect Australia, (authorised and regulated by ASIC) offers Institutional and Professional traders a wide range of services for both Agency PB and Margin accounts.

The firm provides bespoke aggregated liquidity in Spot FX, NDF's, indices, Commodities and Precious metals to a wide range of institutional clients from hedge funds, Tier 1 and regional banks, high net worth investors, asset managers, family offices and other brokers. Its liquidity pool is constructed from a number of Tier 1 banks and non-bank providers that it has partnered with, trading in both sweepable and full amount form.

Bank clients
Broker clients
Fund investment clients